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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 04/28/2015
Agenda for April 28, 2015 Meeting
Public Hearing
Industrial Tower and Wireless

Members & Staff Present:     
Megan Osgood (Land Use Assistant)          Ron Haggett (Vice-Chair)         John Kendall (Alternate)                 Shelley Nelkens (Member)    Megan Osgood (Land Use Assistant)          Frank Scales (Member)       
Ray Ledger wood (Member)     John Giffin (Chair)   

Public Attendees:       Kevin Delaney  Kevin Fadden  Rick Voci  Steve Grill  Thomas Davis  Joyce Davis Tom Dorr  Nancy Dorr  John Cronin  Mike Genest  Bess Robblee  Steve MacDonald Art Kaufman  Nance Kaufman  Frank Bennett  Kathy Bennett  Raymond Bennett  Andre Robblee Stephen Chapman

7:00PM Public Meeting:
Chair Giffin opened the meeting at 7PM.  He introduced the ZBA members and explained the Public Hearing procedure.

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at 7:00 PM Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at the Antrim Town Hall on the request of Industrial Tower and Wireless, LLC (ITW) for a Special Exception per Article XIV-B, Section 4. (District Regulations) a. (Location) and a Variance from Article XIV-B. Section 6. (Dimensional Requirements) 4. (Height of Ground Mounted Facilities) for a proposed Personal Wireless Service Facility (PWSF aka Cell Tower) on property owned by Andrew & Bess Robblee located at 115 Pierce Lake Road (Map 206 Lots 87.1 – 87.4), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural District. ITW proposes to construct a one hundred fifty (150’) foot wireless telecommunications monopole tower along with the accompanying equipment area.

Chair Giffin explain how the meeting would be run and asked the public attendees who wanted to speak if they have signed up in the back of the room on the sign-up sheet.

Chair Giffin stated that he would call a name on the list and ask that person to stand at the micro phone.

Mr.Grill got up and spoke on behalf of ITW and explained that he would not be going into detail unless the Board requested.

He explain why the cell location was chosen and explained that the topographic of the area required the cell tower to be located higher up for the best coverage.

He explained that the” handoff” would be to the tower on Bible Hill and they would be able to “hand off” the signal the best and it worked.

He also explained why the tree canopy ordinance does not work for the towers.

Mr. Ledgerwood asked Mr. Grill if he had any photographs of the tower on bible hill.  Mr. Grill answered that he would have to confer with his colleagues.

Ms. Nelkens asked why he had stated that the placement was not “perfect”.   Mr. Grill answered that it was not a “perfect” location because of the concerns from the land owners that will see it from the lake.  He stated that ideal would be a tower that could provide the coverage and no one would see it.  Mr. Grill stated that was unrealistic and never happens.

Mr. Grill introduced Kevin Delany in order to provide a power point presentation of the pictures that were taken per the Boards request.  

He stated that the balloon was flown from 9am till 4pm and the conditions were good.    

Mr. Delany explained there were two balloons flown.  One balloon was a 150ft (8 1/12 ft. diameter) balloon and the other was a 100ft (3ft in diameter) balloon.

Mr. Delany explained and went through each picture that was taken.

*Pictures attached to the minutes.*

Mr. Grill wrapped up the presentation and said that they were here to answer any questions.

He briefly explained why they should be allowed the Variance and the Special Exception Criteria and stated this is the BEST spot for this tower.

Mr. Haggett stated that a Special Exception is a permitted use but it is by Special Exception.  If the criteria was met the use is required to be passed.

Mr. Kendall asked if Mr. Delany what is the reason for the 150ft mono pole.  Mr. Kendall asked if they can be a mono pine.  

Mr. Delany stated that they do not like to do the mono pines because they stick out and look fake.  Most of the time it looks better not to try and disguise them.

Mr. Giffin asked if there was more maintenance to the mono pines and Mr. Delany stated that there was.

Mr. Giffin opened the Public Hearing.

Mr. Giffin asked for abutters that wanted to speak in favor-None

Mr. Giffin asked for abutters that wanted to speak who were opposed-None

Mr. Giffin went through the Procedure for Conducting a Public Hearing.

People who spoke that were opposed:
Mr. Chapman, Mr. R Bennett, Mr. F. Bennett, Mr. Kaufman, Mr. Loveland, Mr. Cronin, and Mr. Davis.

Letters from people opposed are attached to minutes.

Ms. Nelkens asked about the Davis property and questioned if it had been seen.  Mr. Grill stated that it had looked and the property was not compatible. 212-023

Mr. Davis spoke and said that the property was a good location and it had good sight with the Bible Hill Tower and the Crotched Mountain Tower.

Mr. Davis requested an RF study to compare his property to the Robblee property.

Mr. Kendall stated that an RF Engineer Report should be done in order to determine if this is the best location for the tower.

Mr. Haggett questioned if ITW had done and RF study for the area.  Mr. Delany stated it was in the application under tab 2.

The Board requested an RF Report for other possible sites from ITW.  

Mr. Haggett suggested continuing the Public Hearing in order to review additional information from ITW and Mr. Cronin’s Memorandum in Opposition to ITW.  

Mr. Haggett moved to continue the Public Hearing to May 12, 2015.  Mr. Scales seconded, and was unanimously agreed upon by all.

Business Meeting:

Mr. Haggett moved to approve the March 17, 2015 Meeting Minutes; Ms. Nelkens seconded.  The minutes approved by a unanimous vote.

Ms. Nelkens would like further comments she made in the minutes in regards to the footprint of the building and the overhang.

Ms. Nelkens will provide me in writing exactly what she would like included in the minutes.

Mr. Haggett stated that he would also like to see the letter from Carol Ogilvie attached to the minutes.

At 9PM, Ms. Nelkens moved to adjourn; Mr. Haggett seconded. All approved. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Megan Osgood, On Behalf of the Antrim Zoning Board of Adjustment